Sharks don't have a voice. That's why they need you to speak up for them. Use these photos, video, and graphics to help spread the word about sharks.

Sharks are beautiful, important animals that should be protected rather than feared. Sharks keep the ocean healthy, and the ocean keeps humans healthy, so fighting to protect these magnificent animals is in our own interest.

When it comes to sharks: Learn More. Fear Less.



10 fun facts about sharks to share in your feed.


We have lots of videos you can use for your website, Facebook page, Twitter, and other outlets to celebrate Shark Week this August!

“What's More Deadly thand Sharks?”


Rare Encounter With Greenland Shark


Great White Shark Swims w/Stingray and Cameraman


Swimming with Sharks – Megan Cook – Ocean Hero


Meet the Greenland Shark


Weekly Dive: Plastic Bag Ban & Tracking Sharks


Shark Satellite Tagging


Weekly Dive: Catch Limits and Sharks!


Ocean Expedition Series: Bahamas Shark Tagging!



Into the Mouths of Giants (Whale Sharks)


Swimming With Whale Sharks




Spread a little knowledge about sharks with your audience!


Get Schooled on Sharks – 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Sharks



Get Schooled on Sharks & Rays – Journey to the South Pacific Edition



Journey to the South Pacific – Celebrate Shark Week – Whale Shark Facts



Journey to the South Pacific – Celebrate Shark Week – Other Reef Sharks



Start a photo caption contest or just share these sweet shots of sharks.


•   Please check out our Shark Initiative Page for more great content & shark blogs!

We'd love to know if you find these materials useful. Email Kristina Gonzales or Mary Jane Dodge.

Shark Week Toolkit for Partners and Museums.