We use tons of plastic. It’s in everything from packaging to toys, to the dashboard in your car. Massive amounts of to end up in the ocean. It contains toxins, and absorbs more toxins. It entangles and kills sea life. It certainly doesn’t biodegrade, but there are ways we can help.
Plastics and the OceanThere are tons and tons of plastic in the ocean. It breaks down into smaller pieces, but never goes away. Marine animals eat it and become sick or die. It also entangles and injures them, making it difficult to swim or fly. Unknown numbers of animals die this way each year, and the toxins are beginning to make their way into our food stream. Why is this Important to Me?Be selfish for a moment. Forget all the seabirds, turtles, seals, sharks and other species already threatened that are dying from plastic in their habitat. Forget about the added pressure this puts on ecosystems already in decline. The plastic is entering our food stream through the sea life we eat. The breaking down of plastic into toxins that are then ingested by fish and other ocean species sends toxins up the food chain, impacting your dinner plate.