Shaun MacGillivray, Managing Director
Shaun is also Managing Director of MacGillivray Freeman Films, where he produces IMAX films including “To The Arctic,” and the upcoming “One World One Ocean” and “Everest: Conquering Thin Air.” The son of Academy Award®-nominated filmmaker Greg MacGillivray, Shaun grew up on film locations all around the world. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Emory University with a degree in economics, then received an MFA degree in Film Production from the University of Southern California. Shaun and his wife Katie and son Charlie live in Laguna Beach, where they enjoy spending time with family.
Barbara MacGillivray, Director of Partner Outreach
With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Barbara has worked for 30 years in Children, Youth Services for the Orange County Health Care Agency. She has been active in philanthropic work in Laguna Beach for the School Power Foundation as well as for the Orange County Homeless Shelter (The Friendship Shelter) and for Crystal Cove Alliance. Barbara has worked with MacGillivray Freeman Films in multiple production, research, and development roles for the past 40 years. She oversees the campaign’s ocean alliances and is liaison to the One World One Ocean Foundation’s Science Advisory Council.
Lori Rick, Director of Communications
Lori has held this role since 1998, following an 8-year book publishing career at St. Martin’s Press and other publishing companies in New York and Los Angeles. Now, as Director of Communications for both MacGillivray Freeman and One World One Ocean, Lori is responsible for all aspects of our public relations, including corporate media relations, national film publicity, world premiere events, company publications, speaker tours and other special projects. Lori is also responsible for managing the company’s book publishing program and has worked with publishers such as National Geographic Books, Simon & Schuster, Putnam and Palace Press International for the publication of ten film companion titles. A native Canadian, Lori loves traveling and in earlier days she spent two years living and studying in France. She also loves backpacking and kayaking and in 2002 she hiked Canada’s West Coast Trail. Lori received her bachelor’s degree in English from University of California, Riverside, and a Master of Arts degree in English Literature from New York University.
Jeff Girard, Design Director
Starting in 1993 with the film The Discoverers, Jeff has created and produced award-winning print and online communications for MacGillivray Freeman Films, including film posters, websites, educational guides and marketing materials. He also serves as Design Director at The Surfer’s Journal. Jeff has taught design courses at California State University, Fullerton, The Laguna College of Art and Design and the University of the Nations. In addition, he has designed books and periodicals for The Surfer’s Journal, Surfer Magazine, Quiksilver, Hurley, and the Laguna Art Museum. He is a world-traveled surfer and lives in San Clemente, California.
Mary Jane Dodge, Director of Theatre Marketing and Development
A twenty-nine-year veteran of the giant screen industry, Mary Jane has been developing strategic business partnerships, sponsorship opportunities and playing a role in the marketing and distribution of films for us since 2006. Mary Jane began her career in the giant screen industry by overseeing the successful launch and operation of numerous IMAX® Theatres in such prestigious museums as Boston’s Museum of Science, the Denver Museum of Natural History and the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center. She also helped launch the commercial giant screen theatre industry by launching and operating the first commercial IMAX theatre in New York City. The theatres in Boston and New York went on to become two of the most successful and influential theatres in the industry. Throughout her career, Mary Jane has consulted for more than twenty-eight different institutions and giant screen theatres around the world including the Smithsonian Institution, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and the Museum of Science in Barcelona. She writes innovative marketing plans to help launch new films and new theatres and developing creative strategies for implementing marketing programs for film partners.
Tim Amick, Content Producer / Editor
Bouncing between creative and technical, Tim’s workday is never the same twice. At any given moment, you may find him editing, managing media, fixing computers, QCing final edits, researching, or compressing videos, but you will almost always find him happy.
Sarah Bedolfe, Marine Research Coordinator
A southern California native with a lifelong passion for ocean conservation, Sarah Bedolfe is the principal researcher for the One World One Ocean digital media and communications teams. While pursuing her degree in Biology from Swarthmore College she had the opportunity to study and dive in Australia along the Great Barrier Reef, offering a first-hand look at the potential for long-term ocean protection. Sarah’s research supports many projects and teams in the One World One Ocean Campaign, from blogs to digital media – and you can even see her on the Weekly Dive video series. Outside of the office, she also continues her long-term involvement with the Ocean Institute as a member of the planning committee for the Girls in Ocean Science Teen Conference.
Meghan MacGillivray, Outreach Manager
Meghan grew up in California surrounded by the ocean and a film legacy. Daughter to Greg and Barbara MacGillivray, Meghan started working for MacGillivray Freeman Films as an intern in middle school. After obtaining a Master’s Degree in English from Chapman University and dabbling in culinary arts, she came back to work full-time for MFF and One World One Ocean in 2011. Meghan now works in outreach, social media, and special projects and lives in Laguna Beach with her husband Louis.
Samuel de Castro-Abeger, Content Producer / Editor
Sam helps create the videos content for our website and the One World One Ocean YouTube channel. Sam loves filmmaking, and grew up surfing and taking photos around Southern California. A lifelong water person, he played varsity water polo at UCSD until an injury forced him to focus on degrees in Political Science and Film and Media Studies at UCSB. Sam’s senior year film, “Dirty Little Secret”, focusing on the environmental impacts of making a surfboard, and positive solutions, won the inaugural “Green Living Project” student film competition. Sam has held various internships at Motion Picture Corporation of America, Sony Pictures Television Digital Marketing, and Jerry Bruckheimer Films before joining OWOO.
Specialties: producing, production management, Spanish, social network marketing, film and television production, documentary, storyboarding, Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Pro, Stereoscopic 3D.
Kristina Gonzales, Designer & Developer
Kristina recieved a formal education in Illustration & Graphic Design at Laguna College of Art + Design and is a self-taught web developer specializing in digital & online experience and social media & communications development. She is member of MacGillivray Freeman Film’s Digital Media Team and also provides web management, web development, design, motion graphics, and social media content development for One World One Ocean. Kristina extends her creative skills at SeeKrisCreate, a Content Curation outlet, Design & Illustrative service, and Online Experience consulting service for small business and non-profit organizations in the Southern Cailfornia region.
Jason “JP” Paul, Editor / Sound Supervisor / Composer
JP bio coming soon. He is currently out editing, sound designing/mixing or composing music. But what can you expect from a SoCal native, CSUN graduate who has worked with companies such as Dick Wolf Productions and Marvel Studios?
Kimmy Helling, Social Media / Communications
Kimmy gained experience in all areas of ocean education, from educational summer camps to grant writing, at the Ocean Institute, and heading the Girls in Ocean Science Teen Conference planning committee. She attended UC Santa Barbara, and traveled and studied film in London, where she discovered her passion for new media. Kimmy graduated with a degree in Literature and Creative Writing, with an emphasis in screenwriting, and uses her skills and passion to inspire conversations with One World One Ocean’s online communities.
Sylvia Earle
The most celebrated and honored of all oceanographers, Dr. Sylvia Earle is an author, lecturer, explorer, leader, and research scientist who has led more than 70 expeditions, logging more than 6500 hours underwater. She holds numerous diving records, including setting the women’s depth record for solo diving at a thousand meters (3,300 feet). Earle was formerly chief scientist of NOAA, and counts Time Magazine’s first “Hero for the Planet” award in 1998, her status as National Geographic explorer-in-residence, and the 2009 TED Prize for her proposal to establish a global network of marine protected areas among the more than 100 national and international honors she has received. Dr. Earle is an inspiration to One World One Ocean and also serves as a principal advisor to the campaign.
In her TED presentation on Mission Blue, she said “I wish you would use all means at your disposal — films! expeditions! the web! more! — to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, hope spots large enough to save and restore the ocean, the blue heart of the planet.”
David Ellis
From 1990 to 2002, Dr. David Ellis served as President and Director of the Museum of Science, Boston, one of the world’s largest science and technology centers and the most attended cultural attraction in Boston (1.7 million visitors per year). Dr. Ellis has worked with and advised on the production and release of several IMAX films, including those produced by MacGillivray Freeman Films.
David Gallo
Director of Special Projects at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dr. Gallo has been exploring the oceans of the world for 25 years. He was one of the first scientists to use robots and deep submersibles to map deep-sea mountain ranges and continues to help develop new undersea technologies. Most recently he was co-expedition leader on a mapping mission to RMS Titanic. He served the same role on a successful search for the missing aircraft, Air France 447. He is passionate about communicating ocean science to the public and has done so on television, in classrooms, and in boardrooms around the world.
Gregor Hodgson
A coral reef ecologist, Dr. Hodgson is founder and Executive Director of Reef Check, an international non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of tropical coral reefs and California rocky reefs. With headquarters in Pacific Palisades and volunteer teams in more than 90 countries and territories, Reef Check works to create partnerships among community volunteers, government agencies, businesses, universities, and other non-profits.
Nancy Knowlton
Dr. Knowlton holds the Sant Chair in Marine Science at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, leading the Institution’s efforts to foster a greater public understanding of the world’s oceans. As a coral reef biologist her research has focused on the ecology, evolution, and conservation of coral reef organisms. Her analyses have led to the now widespread recognition that estimates of marine diversity have been far too low (by a factor of ten).
Lawrence P. Madin
Larry Madin is the Executive Vice President, Director of Research, and a Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, MA. His personal research interests are the biology of oceanic and deep-sea zooplankton, with an emphasis on ‘jelly-animals.’ He was among the first biologists to use SCUBA and submersibles to study oceanic plankton.
Stephen Palumbi
Stephen Palumbi is the Director of Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station, and a member of the managing committee for the Center for Ocean Solutions. His research focuses on genetics, evolution, and the use of DNA data for conservation purposes, such as the design and implementation of marine protected areas and the identification of whales and dolphins for sale in retail fisheries markets. Dr. Palumbi has contributed to several films and television documentaries to enhance science communication. He helped establish the Short Attention Span Science Theatre and has published several books including “The Death and Life of Monterey Bay: A Story of Revival”. With his son Anthony, he is working on a new book, “Shark and Awe: The Extreme Life of the Sea”.
Daniel Pauly
Dr. Daniel Pauly is a Professor of Fisheries and formerly the director of the Fisheries Centre at the University of British Columbia. A teacher in four languages on five continents, he is the Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us Project, funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Dr. Pauly’s work is devoted to studying, documenting and promoting policies to mitigate the impact of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems. He initiated approaches and software, such as Fishbase, an online encyclopedia of fishes, which are used throughout the world.
Richard Pyle
Richard Pyle, a research scientist at Bernice P. Bishop Museum in Honolulu, dives the coral-reef “twilight zone,” those depths between 200 and 500 feet, where he identifies and documents new species. Author of scientific, technical and popular articles, his expeditions have also been featured in the IMAX Theatre film Coral Reef Adventure and the BBC series Pacific Abyss. Dr. Pyle is a member of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature and contributes to advancements in diving technologies.
Carl Safina
Carl Safina is a prominent ecologist and marine conservationist, and the founding President of Blue Ocean Institute. He also works as an adjunct professor at Stony Brook University. A winner of the prestigious Pew Fellowship, MacArthur Fellowship, and Guggenheim Fellowship, his six books include Song for the Blue Ocean, The View From Lazy Point, and A Sea in Flames. He is host of Saving the Ocean on PBS television.
Greg Stone
Greg Stone began his career pioneering ocean research in Antarctica. Today he is well known for his leadership creating the world’s second-largest marine protected area, around the Phoenix Islands in Kiribati in the South Pacific. Stone is the Chief Scientist for Oceans at Conservation International and a prolific author and speaker on the state of the marine environment and how policy can make change.
Jerry R. Schubel
Dr. Schubel is President and CEO of the Aquarium of the Pacific, where he created the Aquatic Forum, which brings together scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders to explore solutions for California’s complex environmental issues. He is also President and CEO Emeritus of the New England Aquarium, and was Dean of Stony Brook University’s Marine Sciences Research Center. Prior to 1974, Dr. Schubel was Associate Director of The Johns Hopkins University’s Chesapeake Bay Institute. He has served as science advisor to numerous government, private and research institutions.