The Ultimate Figher: Boxer Crab
Find out how the ever resourceful boxer crab cleverly fights off enemies in this educational short.
Find out how the ever resourceful boxer crab cleverly fights off enemies in this educational short.
Melissa LenkerMelissa continues her graduate studies both in the lab and in the field, while pursuing her Masters in Marine Bio. People seem to think
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhT-v4PDrEYAhT-v4PDrEY Boxer crabs attach stinging anemones to their pincers to fight off gobies and other predators. They often wave them like pom-poms to scare
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Melissa LenkerGrad Student Melissa learns how to count invisible fish for her Masters in Science Degree in cold, cold Canada. “Counting fish is just like
Meghan MacGillivrayMER is an example of sustainable eco-tourism and is featured in our new IMAX film, Journey to the South Pacific. Traveling to West Papua,
Sarah BedolfeSarah continues her studies in the Netherlands, experimenting with temperature on mudflat diatoms. Back in the Netherlands after the holidays, I was met with
Melissa LenkerMelissa braves ten below as she continues her graduate studies in Montreal. Cold weather and canceled airplane flights grounded me in sunny California a