International Surfing Day: My Surf Story
Sam AbegerReflections on the impact of surfing on life, from childhood thrill to lifelong passion. Catching a wave at my local break in Malibu.
Sam AbegerReflections on the impact of surfing on life, from childhood thrill to lifelong passion. Catching a wave at my local break in Malibu.
Sarah BedolfeFarmed fish production overtakes beef for first time. World population could reach 11 billion by 2100. Investing in clean beaches pays off. Dive into
Sylvia EarleOur ocean hero Dr. Sylvia Earle’s inspiring words, along with a moving video, emphasize the importance of ocean conservation. This story originally appeared here
Meghan MacGillivrayOWOO and MY HERO asked the public to make videos about their ocean heroes. “Mr. Whale” features a devoted conservationist in Senegal. The One
Sarah BedolfeThis shark documentary features vintage footage, and takes the discussion further by interviewing fishermen. We’ve seen a lot of documentaries on shark conservation, but
Sarah BedolfeRuling: oil dispersant impacts must be tested before use; EU officials agree upon revamped fisheries policy; and more ocean news! Dive into the latest
Sarah BedolfeThey may seem too bright to hide, but in the coral reef environment sometimes you have to stand out to blend in! Featuring one
Kimmy Helling & Sean Hunter BrownDrop down and see life from beneath. Allow the cool water to push you and carry you in new directions.
Sarah BedolfeEntangled fishing gear hinders whales’ diving and swimming; century-old ocean data provides new evidence for climate change; & more. Dive into the latest edition
Meghan MacGillivrayOne World One Ocean traveled to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Blue Vision Summit and Healthy Ocean Hill Day. Barbara and Meghan MacGillivray