Fintastic Partnership Aims to Change the Way People View Sharks

OWOO is teaming up with Discovery’s Shark Week to harness the power of our communities to draw attention to the plight of sharks.

No TV event boasts a bigger cult following than Discovery Channel’s Shark Week, which takes over TV screens each August in seven days of jaw-dropping original programming.

Shark Week, which kicks off on August 4, is a TV – and now digital – phenomenon. Last year, Shark Week brought in 21.4 million viewers and generated 1.6 million tweets (doubling the volume of 2011).

More importantly, Shark Week represents a key moment in time when the ocean is top of mind for consumers across the country. And for those of us in the ocean community, it represents a tremendous opportunity to educate.

Which is why we are so excited to announce that this year One World One Ocean is teaming up with Discovery in an effort to use Shark Week as the ultimate teaching moment about why sharks matter. To do this, OWOO will be harnessing the power of our social communities and new original content to educate audiences about the positive benefits sharks provide to the planet and humanity and the threats currently facing this keystone species and its habitat.  (Click here to view official press release.)

Our goal? Change the way people view sharks from a species to be feared, to a species to be admired and valued.

Starting today and throughout Shark Week, OWOO will be releasing an arsenal of educational shark content – from infographics to a brand new video – that will be shared across OWOO and Discovery online channels in an effort to catalyze support for this often misunderstood species.

To get you excited, we hope you enjoy Discovery’s official Shark Week promo (Disclaimer: no seals were injured in the making of this promo and OWOO firmly supports seal conservation).

Together let’s change the shark conversation.




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